Grades and retakes of courses in Open UAS
Evaluations of completed courses or education in Open UAS are recorded in the study register. If the performance is graded as failed, you can retake the course.
The completion of Open UAS courses or projects is evaluated no later than four weeks after completion. Free online courses are evaluated within two weeks of completion. The attainments are recorded in the study register. If your Laurea credentials are valid, grades will appear in Pakki (Student’s Desktop) under Performance.
Information on completed studies can also be viewed in My Studyinfo after the end of Laurea’s studies, where you can share your study information with other parties.
If you have not demonstrated your competence at the approved level required by the assessment criteria, you must supplement or renew the performance in the manner specified by the course teacher and within the time specified by the teacher. In project studies, competence missing from the project’s learning outcomes must be supplemented until the competence can be assessed at an approved level. Retake is not possible during admission courses or in situations where your right to study has ended.
The course teacher determines where, on what schedule and how the completion can be repeated. If, despite the possibility to complete the performance, you do not receive an approved assessment, the course must be completed again as agreed with the teacher.
The free online course, or MOOC courses, includes tests with a specified number of attempts. If you cannot pass the test on the given attempts, but wish to continue completing the course, the teacher in charge of the course implementation may, at your request, give additional attempts for the tests.
If, despite the additional attempts made, you do not receive an approved assessment, you must complete the online course completely.