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Critical Infrastructure Protection
In this course, you will delve into the overall security of critical infrastructure, threats, and the protection of targets. You will learn to identify the key players in critical infrastructure and their roles, the requirements and best practices for protection, as well as how to identify, assess, and manage risks that threaten critical infrastructure. The course covers topics in a versatile manner through expert lectures, assignments, and self-study materials. With comprehensive knowledge, you will learn not only the basics but also how to apply what you have learned and plan, assess, and develop the protection of critical infrastructure.
Safety, Security and Risk Management
Studying at campus
Study time: 29.08.2024 - 29.11.2024
4 left
Application: 29.05.2024 - 15.08.2024
150,00 €
The associated degree at Laurea: Degree Programme in Safety, Security and Risk Management (HRA), Laurea Leppävaara
Study scope: 10 ECTS
Primary teaching language: English
Level of education: Bachelor
Location: Laurea Leppävaara campus
Application status: 1 / 5
Information about the study
Critical infrastructure protection -study unit is a complementary study, that aims to deepen your competence in the field of preparedness. In the Preparedness -study unit we concentrated more to the concept of self preparedness. Now the goal is to go deeper with the societal security and the safety of the society both in EU and national level.
After this course you will be able to:
- define critical infrastructure operators and their roles
- define critical infrastructure protection compliance requirements, best practices and apply those
- assess and manage critical infrastructure’s risks
- plan, assess and develop critical infrastucture risks
Before enrolling to this study unit, you should have adequate competence of safety, security and risk management, which you can acquire for example by completing study unit HT00BN79 Basics of Corporate Safety, Security and Risk Management (10 cr) or TO00BS57 Basic Theory of Corporate Safety, Security and Risk Management (5 cr) at Open University of Applied Sciences.
This course is in English. The corresponding course in Finnish is Kriittisen infrastruktuurin suojaaminen TO00BN73-3009.
Beside the lectures, course includes three assignments:
– Portfolio (independent) (30 % of total grade) – Group work (40 % of total grade) – Online-exam (30 % of total grade)
The teaching of the course consist contact lessons in Leppävaara campus and Zoom. Guidance sessions will be in Zoom. The course also includes self-study as well as group work.
All material and assignments for the study unit are compiled on the Canvas learning platform, which opens at the latest on 29.8.
Attendance at first lecture is mandatory to receive a place (or absence must be reported before lecture.)
- 04.09.2024 16.00 – 18.00 Zoom
- 10.10.2024 15.15 – 17.45 class 245 Leppävaara Campus
- 23.10.2024 16.00 – 18.00 Zoom
- 06.11.2024 16.00 – 18.00 Zoom
- 29.11.2024 12.30 – 15.00 class 245 Leppävaara Campus
- Online exam 24.-26.11.1. retake for the exam 2.12.
2. retake for the exam 9.12
1. retake for the assignments 9.12. 2.retake for the assignments 12.1.
This is a 10 cr study unit, so it means approximately 270 hours of work.
The study material of the course is listed in the Canvas workspace. Beforehand students can familiarize themselves with The Security Committees websites:
Please familiarize yourself with the cancellation process and cancellation terms.