Programming with C

Are you interested in learning the basics of C-programming language and mastering its fundamental syntax and structures? Join us to uncover the secrets of programming with C language and enhance your programming skills.

Business Information Technology

Independent online studies

Study time: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

374 left

Application time: 03.04.2024 - 30.11.2024


The associated degree at Laurea: Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Developing Digital Services (NSA2), Laurea Leppävaara

Study scope: 3 ECTS

Primary teaching language: English

Level of education: Bachelor

Location: Online

Application status: 26 / 400

Are you interested in learning the basics of C-programming language and mastering its fundamental syntax and structures? Then this course is for you!

The goal of the course is for you to:

  • Learn to use the fundamental syntax and structures of the programming language effectively.
  • Design, implement, and test small-scale programs.
  • Gain a foundation in mastering programming with C, which is a valuable skill in many programming projects.

Join us to uncover the secrets of programming with C language and enhance your programming skills.

You can complete the free online course at your own pace by December 31, 2024, and you can start it anytime. The course does not include scheduled teaching and the Viope learning platform is used for the course.

The course is entirely self-paced, of course respect assignment deadlines. It requires self-direction and does not involve group meetings or pair work.

Information about the study


Matti Oosi

Senior Lecturer