Laurea Podcast: EHealth episode 2: Future perspectives on digitalization in social and health care

EHealth Podcast episode 2:

Social and healthcare services are undergoing a transformation with digitalization and shrinking resources. Professionals need to acquire new skills to perform their work. How can they keep up with the changes? How can they stay motivated? Listen to the podcasts and learn what is being said in the EU, in Finland and in the professionals’ offices.

In this episode, we discuss digitalization from the perspective of the social and healthcare sector.

Guests: Ilias Iakovidis from the European Commission and Jarmo Reponen from the Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth.
Hosts: Eeva Heikkilä and Iida Pekkanen.

Laurea distributes educational content in the form of podcasts, aiming to meet the needs of learning and skill development. Contents are small and flexible that are accessible regardless of time and place. Listen whenever you like!

Hyvinvointi ja terveysala, Sosiaaliala

Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu

Ilmoittautumisaika: Jatkuva

Pääasiallinen opetuskieli: englanti

Listen to the podcast

  • Duration: approximately 14 minutes
  • Price: free (0€)
  • Target audience: open to everyone
  • Timing: at your own pace