Basics of Organizational Safety, Security and Risk Management
You will learn to define the concepts of corporate safety, security and risk management and their elements as well as their significance to organizations. You will also learn define principles and best practices of requirements on corporate safety and security. In addition, you will learn use risk management principles and apply risk assessment and management methods in developing safety and security. This is a massive open online course that can be studied independently on your own schedule in Canvas learning platform.
Aikataulutettu verkko-opiskelu
Toteutusaika: 01.12.2024 - 15.06.2025
58 paikkaa jäljellä
Ilmoittautumisaika: 28.11.2024 - 31.05.2025
0,00 €
Koulutuksen laajuus: 5 opintopistettä
Pääasiallinen opetuskieli: englanti
Koulutuksen taso: AMK
Sijainti: Laurea Verkkokampus
Ilmoittautumistilanne: 42 / 100
This course will empower you to make informed decisions and contribute to a safer and more secure workplace. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance safety, security, and risk management practices within organizations.
Tietoa koulutuksesta
The aim is that after completing the study unit you will be able to: – describe the key concepts and elements of an organization’s safety, security and risk management and explain their significance – describe the principles and key methods of risk management – take into account the principles of sustainable development in the organization’s risk management.
The aim is that after completing the study unit you will be able to:
- define the concepts and areas of corporate safety, security and risk management and their significance for the organization
- define the criteria for the security requirements and best practices of organizations and be able to apply them
- define the criteria for the security requirements and best practices of organizations
- utilize the principles of risk management and risk assessment and management methods in the development of safety.
Anyone interested about safety, security and risk management.
After this course you understand the basic concepts of corporate safety, security and risk management and know the best practices of requirements on corporate safety and security. You will also learn to apply management methods in developing safety and security.
Self-paced online course. The course is completed entirely independently by the end of the course deadline. You will study the material in an online learning environment, which includes study materials and assignments/tests. No personal feedback will be provided on the assignments.
The course workspace will remain open until the end of the course deadline (see Timing), and all assignments must be completed before the workspace closes.
5 cr = 135 hours
Study materials are in Canvas.
The assessment of competence is based on the objective descriptions of the curricula and the assessment criteria announced in the Study unit Implementation plan (Laurea’s degree rules).
The study unit follows point-based assessment. The course has five small tests and an online exam, all of which must be completed: Module 1: test, max 10 points Module 2: test, max 10 points Module 3: test, max 10 points Module 4: test, max 10 points Module 5: test, max 10 points Online exam: max 50 points TOTAL 100 points.
You can try each test and online exam twice, (a better result is taken into account). A total of at least 50 points must be obtained from the tests and the online exam to pass the study unit.
Level I of the competence assessment framework for a bachelor’s degree student is used in the assessment of the study unit.
PROFESSIONAL DATABASE, INFORMATION SEARCH AND REPORTING At grade 5, the student is able to: – use a variety of professional terms – compare and select appropriate information – report and communicate professionally At grade 3, the student is able to: – use professional terms consistently to explain different work practices and situations – compile information and make use of its knowledge base – report as agreed At grade 1 (H), the student is able to: – use key professional concepts to explain different work practices and situations – search for information from different sources – to report.
Arviointiasteikko: H-5
Students in Laurea’s Security and Risk Management degree program have their own implementations of the study unit and they cannot choose this one. This implementation is open for anyone else.
The course is Bachelor’s degree program level. Master’s students may also take the course or join to familiarize themselves with the content, but the course cannot be included in a Master’s degree.
Laurea degree students, pathway students and cross institutional students enroll to the course through Pakki/Peppi. Enrollments are processed almost daily, allowing you to start the course flexibly when it suits you. You will receive a completion record for the course approximately two weeks after finishing. During holiday periods, enrollments and completion records are processed less frequently.
If the course is not completed by the end date of the implementation, the student can enroll in the next implementation. Incomplete assignments cannot be transferred to the next implementation; all tasks must be redone.
For content-related inquiries, contact the responsible teacher. For other inquiries, email
Please familiarize yourself with the cancellation process and cancellation terms.