Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Working Life Oriented Competence Module
The realization of the education and timetables for enrolment will be confirmed later during spring 2025.
Are you interested in a career as an early childhood education professional? Do you want to develop and deepen your skills and expertise in the field of early childhood education? Do you have a degree in social services but have not yet obtained qualification as an early childhood education social services?
This working life oriented competence module is designed just for you. You will learn to apply legislation, recommendations and guidelines and ethical principles in early childhood education. In addition to these, you will learn to plan, guide and evaluate pedagogical activities and operating environments that meet the needs of children and groups of children. You will learn to develop and strengthen an operating culture that supports the inclusion and diversity of early childhood education. You will learn to approach diversity and support for families and children sensitively. Courses are conducted as online studies and teaching language is English.
Aikataulutettu verkko-opiskelu
Toteutusaika: 01.08.2025 - 31.07.2026
30 paikkaa jäljellä
Ilmoittautuminen: 05.05.2025 - 31.05.2025
400,00 €
Tutkinto, johon opinto kuuluu Laureassa: Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Working Life Oriented Competence Module (SSYOV1), Avoin AMK, Tikkurila
Koulutuksen laajuus: 60 opintopistettä
Pääasiallinen opetuskieli: englanti
Koulutuksen taso: AMK
Sijainti: Laurea Verkkokampus
Ilmoittautumistilanne: 0 / 30
Content of the programme & FAQ
The scope of studies in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) is 60 credits. The duration of the module is one year and includes three courses (30 credits), practical placement (15 credits) and a thesis (15 credits). Courses are conducted as online studies and there are not meetings in the campus. Completing the studies requires competence to work independently, organisational skills and commitment: 60 credits a year to study alongside work is a compact but feasible package of studies.
Below are the studies of the programme.
- Basics of Competence in Early Childhood Education and Care 10 ECTS
- Child-oriented Activity in Early Childhood Education and Care 10 ECTS
- Operational Culture Supporting the Inclusiveness of Early Childhood Education and Care and Multidisciplinary Cooperation 10 ECTS
- Placement for Professional Working Methods 15 ECTS
- Early Childhood Education Oriented Thesis 15 ECTS
FAQ – Frequently asked questions
Can I complete the programme while working?
- Yes! Ideally, the programme is feasible alongside your early childhood education and care work.
- The programme is delivered online.
- However, the programme requires flexibility in terms of working hours: we aim to schedule the lectures in the afternoons, usually between 12.00 and 18.00.
- Please note that online studies also include compulsory attendance.
- Please note that online studies also include assignments and projects in the field of early childhood education and care. You can do these in your own early childhood education and care work.
Can I complete the programme at my own pace?
- Unfortunately, not entirely.
- The programme will proceed in a certain order, due to the timetable of the courses.
- The sequencing of the programme is also affected by the fact that other parts of the prpgramme must be completed before moving on to the thesis process.
- The thesis process will proceed in a group supervision format with a pre-determined timetable.
- Self-paced progress is also influenced by the pair and group work that is carried out during the programme, in which important work-life skills are practiced.
- You can complete some parts of the training at your own pace, such as individual assignments in courses.
How is sufficient work experience (6 months) calculated?
- You must have a total of approx. 6 months of work experience (approx. 960 h)
- Work experience can be of different duration and from different types of employment (e.g. temporary and part-time)
- A work certificate (6 months) of work experience must be presented
Will I qualify as a teacher in early childhood education and care after this programme?
- You will not.
- In Finland, you study to become a teacher in ECEC at an academic university.
- The programme is not equivalent to 60 credits of ECEC teacher pedagogical studies.
Will I qualify for a social pedagogue in early childhood education and care (Varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi) after completing the programme?
- Yes, if you already have a Bachelor of Social Services degree (sosionomi AMK).
- If you do not yet have a Bachelor of Social Services degree, you can have this programme (60 credits) accepted as part of your degree when you apply to Laurea later and become a degree student.
- This programme is for you if you are aiming for a qualification of a social pedagogue in early childhood education and care.
I didn’t manage to enrol within the registration deadline shown on Laurea Smart, but it seems that there are still study places available. Is it still possible for me to join the programme?
- Unfortunately not for this implementation, for which the registration deadline has already closed.
- Until now, a new implementation of the programme has started every spring (January) and every autumn (August). We hope to continue offering this programme in the future, so please keep an eye on Laurea Smart’s information and course offerings.
Tietoa koulutuksesta
Those who have completed a degree of social services and wish to qualify as early childhood education social services.
Individuals working in early childhood education who do not yet hold a degree in social work but aim to pursue as qualification of Early Childhood Education and Care social pedagogue in their career plans.
Individuals working in early childhood education who seek to develop and deepen their professional skills and expertise in early childhood education.
After completing the Early Childhood Education and Care studies, you will obtain qualification as of Early Childhood Education and Care social pedagogue if you already have a degree of social services (Bachelor of Social Services).
If you later decide to pursue studies towards a degree of social services.
These studies supports your development as an early childhood education professional.
The realization of the education will be confirmed later on spring 2025.
The module will begin in August 2025 and continue until July 2026. Timetables for enrolment will be confirmed during spring 2025.
By registering for competence module, you will receive the right to study for a year in early childhood education and care. Please note that you need to study your studies on ready made schedule.
There is an online info meeting before studies start. The exact date will be announced later. Link for the Zoom info will be sent to participants before starting date.
Please notice, that there will be compulsory online meetings as part of these online studies. There are no meetings on campus.
Study fee
The cost of the studies is 400 €. You can pay via online banking upon registration, through invoicing in one installment, or have the payment invoiced to your employer. The study fee for these studies cannot be used to pay for other paid courses in the Open UAS. The annual fee for the Open UAS cannot be used to pay for the study fee of these studies.
Studies are free of charge for those who graduate from Laurea within the target time.
Studies are not free for the unemployed or those on temporary layoff.
The enrolment is binding.
The enrolment must be cancelled by your My account. See instructions cancellation of enrolment. Cancellations made to the teacher will not be accepted.
Cancellation policy is the same with invoicing.